Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist
My journey as a mental health professional started when I sought counseling after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. At the time, I was in school to be a psychiatric nurse, but the counselor that I saw helped pull me out of a very dark place [and] essentially changed my life. I had always wanted to be in the helping field, but this side gave me a different perspective on how to help people across the lifespan. [That was] almost a decade ago.
I'm very passionate about all aspects of the field. However, I specialize in anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders, addiction, and chronic illness. I have facilitated groups and seminars on all of those as well as challenging perfections, and post-incarceration. I'm a huge advocate for populations that are often overlooked and ignored such as impoverished and minority. My youngest client is 2, and eldest is 70, so I enjoy all ages.
Mental health is essential to overall well-being. Mental illness has been stigmatized and ignored for so many years, but now there are many resources for people who are unaware they exist. Mental illness does not mean you are crazy or disabled. In fact, everyone will suffer from mental illness at some point in their life, whether its situational or permanent. Also, your physicl health and mental health go hand and hand. They should both be treated equally, and time should be spent keeping them both up to par.